Text sign showing Staff Training
  • On-Site Workshops/Seminars

    We offer on-site presentations and training on the topic of emotional intelligence. Please contact our office for details.

  • Video Conferencing/Virtual Coaching

    There are times when visiting our office may be difficult. Whether it is due to logistical challenges or other barriers, we offer video conferencing/virtual coaching sessions to connect and work towards your personal action plan. This method of service is distinguished from therapy and is provided with mutually agreed upon parameters prior to its commencement.

  • Addiction Services

    Substance addiction and/or behavioral addictions such as food, technology, pornography, gambling, or sports/recreation, can be damaging to personal and relational functioning and may prevent health and wellness in an individual’s life. Substance abuse assessment and addiction counseling is offered to assist with regaining health, wellness, and restoring balance in personal and interpersonal functioning.

  • Parenting Groups/Coaching

    We value relationships and believe that quality family relationships is a key factor in personal and social/community well-being and wellness. As such, we offer parenting classes and individual coaching to assist with strengthening parenting skills to improve parent-child relations and family functioning.

Find the Support You Deserve

Our center is a safe and secure place for individuals to seek assistance, support, advice, and treatment. We understand the uniqueness of each person, and our solutions focus on what that person needs. You can count on us to keep matters confidential and private as we work together to help you achieve a healthier lifestyle. Please contact us if you have any questions.